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Google Shopping Ads

A guide to Google Shopping Ads

Google shopping ads are some of the most clicked ads that the search engine has to offer. Over the years, these ads have drastically improved, making them easier to set up and smarter at reaching the right people. In this guide, we’ll provide a detailed walkthrough of how to set up your products in Shopping ads.

What are Google Shopping Ads?

There’s a high chance that you’ve seen Google shopping ads in the past. They are the product ads that appear at the top of Google search results accompanied by a picture, a title, the price of the product, and oftentimes a review .Shopping ads don’t appear only in Google’s standard search results anymore, but are also visible on the Shopping tab, on YouTube, on partner websites and the Google Display Network.

How to set up Google Shopping Ads

1) Create a Google Merchant Account

The first step is creating a merchant account. Google Merchant Center is where your feed lives. It’s also where you can set tax and shipping rules, all of which are required before running Shopping ads. To set this up, you will need to:

  1. Have access to your domain registrar
  2. Know your tax and shipping settings
  3. Link your Merchant Center to your Google Ads

2) Create your Google Shopping Ads

Once you have your Merchant Center account and product feeds created, you are now ready to create your first Shopping ads. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Sales as your campaign goal, then Shopping as your campaign type.
  2. Next, select your Merchant Center account. the country you want to sell your products in, and tick ‘Standard Shopping Campaign’.
  3. In general settings, set your campaign name, select Target ROAS and key it in.
  4. Finally, create your ad group by adding an Ad group name and setting your Bid, if applicable.
What makes a great Google Shopping Ad?

The secret to a winning Google Shopping Ad is building a great product feed. To create a product feed, you can do it manually using Google Sheets, or you can use a feed tool such as GoDataFeed that automatically pulls all your information. This is often the easiest method, especially if you have thousands of SKUs that you need to upload. When it comes to your product feed, here are the most important things you should focus on:

1) Product Title
Your product title is the product name, and is the first thing users see when they visit your ad. This is arguably the most important aspect of your Google Shopping Ad, so you should spend time on making sure you craft the perfect one. Basically, you’ll want to include the most important information that customers want to know. You have a character limit of 150, so consider your title’s structure and word carefully, taking into consideration the fact that Google gives more importance to the words that come first.

2) Product Description
Include a few keywords in your descriptions and make them pertinent. Consider which features and benefits are most crucial, then list them here. You’ll need to keep this really brief and direct.

3) Product Images
Other than price, your product image will probably influence the amount of clicks your products get more than anything else. Make sure that you’ve cropped it according to requirements, and that it shows off your product’s most important features.

In conclusion, there are a lot of different options when it comes to setting up and optimizing your Google Shopping campaigns. Getting the most from Shopping campaigns on Google requires some time and attention to detail, but we definitely think it’s worth the effort. Ready to make more online sales? Get in touch with our Google Ads experts today.

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