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Brands can create a selection of shoppable products that are easily accessible from their Instagram profile using Instagram Shop. This makes it easier to sell on the app, and be discovered by potential customers too. So if you’re prepared to launch an Instagram shop and drive sales, here’s all the info you need!

What is an Instagram shop?

Instagram Shop is a feature that allows users to create a shoppable profile online, where items from the site can be ‘liked’ and then purchased instantly. Brands can curate a list of shoppable products that are directly accessible through the “View Shop” button on their Instagram profile page.

How to set this up

Step 1: Convert to a Business or Creator Account

It’s time to sign up for an Instagram Business (or Creator) account if you don’t already have one. In addition to being eligible for Instagram Shopping capabilities, Business accounts have access to a variety of in-depth analytics that will help you make better decisions about your strategy.

Step 2: Connect to a Facebook Page

Next up, follow these steps to link your Instagram business account to a Facebook Page:

  1. Go to your business’s Instagram profile
  2. Select “Edit profile”
  3. Under the “Public business information” section, select “Page”
  4. Choose a Facebook Page from your Pages that you’d like to connect

Step 3: Upload Your Product Catalog

So this is the part where you actually upload all of your products. You’ve got a couple of different options here. You can either input every product manually into Facebook Business Manager, or integrate a pre-existing product database from a certified eCommerce platform. The second option is the easiest one, so we highly recommend going with that one.

Step 4: Get your account reviewed

Once you’ve connected a product catalogue to your Instagram, you will need to submit your account for review by following these steps:

  1. Go to your business’s Instagram profile and tap the menu icon
  2. Select “Settings”
  3. Sign up for shopping
  4. Follow the steps to submit your account for review

Step 5: Turn On Shopping

Once your account is approved, you can turn on the shopping features and you’ll be set to go!

  1. Go to your business’s Instagram profile and tap the menu icon
  2. Select “Settings
  3. Tap “Business” and then tap “Shopping”
  4. Select the “product catalogue” that you want to connect to your account.
  5. Select “Done”

If you’re looking to drive more sales with Instagram, then you should put your products on the platform and advertise them. You’ll find this to be a great way to get new customers and increase sales, so don’t hesitate to try it out. Make sure that people are able to find your products quickly and easily by setting up and optimising your Instagram shop using this guide!