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user-generated content

What is User-Generated Content? Everything you need to know

Long gone are the days when all the content we consumed was created by professionals (photographers, videographers, designers, etc.) for large corporations, ad agencies, and the like. Thanks to smartphones, everyone has the power to capture quality content. Enter the age of UGC.

User-Generated Content is a powerful asset for brands looking to raise awareness and increase their sales. In fact, according to a recent study, 80% of respondents said that UGC played a major role in influencing their purchasing decision. Why you might ask? Because it’s all about social proof.

So, what is User-Generated-Content and how can you utilise it for your business?

User-generated content is original, brand-specific content created by customers and published on social media or other channels. This content is created organically, meaning no money is exchanged. It’s simply a genuine and honest recommendation system that brands and customers are both huge fans of.

User-generated content can come in various shapes and forms, and will generally include images, videos, blog posts, testimonials and reviews and so on.

Why is UGC so important?

1) It’s authentic

In a study, 90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support, and 60% say UGC is the most authentic form of content. In a cutthroat online environment, brands can gain from genuine evaluations, opinions, and attention that their customers generate. Because most consumers are prepared to accept recommendations for goods and services made by actual people rather than the business itself, UGC can help increase social media reach and growth.

2) Helps establish brand loyalty and grows community

UGC allows brands to get in touch with their customers and can help build a strong customer community. It’s a great way of interacting with current customers and can help keep your brand top-of-mind. With the dominance of social media, UGC is even more crucial in creating a sense of community between brands and their customers.

3) More cost-effective than influencer marketing

Businesses wishing to market their brands without shelling out thousands of dollars on paying influencers can do so by using user-generated content (UGC). The majority of UGC content is created naturally by unpaid users who are attempting to share their experience with a product or service, connect with like-minded people, or are merely hoping to take advantage of certain benefits.

4) Works in harmony with social commerce

Social commerce is the future of online shopping. The main draw of social commerce is that it allows audiences to convert natively within a social media app, rather than going off-app to complete a purchase. Imagine this situation: you’re scrolling through Insta and you see someone you know the post about a cute pair of sunglasses. This post isn’t sponsored, so you tap to learn more about the product. You then decide to buy the product and complete the transaction in the app. That’s social commerce and UGC working in perfect harmony.

UGC and social commerce work well together because UGC is influential in driving conversions. Nearly 80% of people say that UGC impacts their decision to purchase, making user-generated content and social commerce a match made in heaven.

UGC is a great way to drive your business. It can help you connect with your audience, grow your community and create brand loyalty. UGC is also beneficial because it’s cost-effective, easy to distribute and works in harmony with social commerce. If you haven’t implemented a UGC strategy for your online presence yet, what are you waiting for?

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