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optimise your blogs for SEO

How to optimise your blogs for SEO

Don’t underestimate the power of your blog to rank on Google. Writing blog posts for SEO helps you consistently get more traffic to your website from search engines. Since search engines are often the largest source of website traffic, blogs are an extremely valuable tool. Here are a few tips to follow so you can optimise your blogs for SEO and ultimately get more website traffic!

Plan your content around your keyword research

A lot of people out there simply guess what their blogs should be about. Don’t do this! There’s plenty of data at your fingertips that you can use to form a sound keyword strategy. By doing keyword analysis, you can determine which keywords your target audience is interested in. Some tools that can help you with this include Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush and Moz Keyword Explorer amongst a few others.

When you plan your content, you can also do competitor keyword research. A competitor keyword analysis is a process of uncovering the keywords your competitors are ranking highly for in an attempt to create content that outranks them in search results. This will also allow you to find gaps in their keyword strategy. You can then outrank them for keywords that they’re not using but that your audience may still be searching for.

Focus on your blog title

The title of your blog post is extremely important for search rankings. Not only will the search engine focus on it heavily to determine the relevancy of your content, but it’s also the first thing that a user reads. To write a click-worthy blog title, make sure it is engaging. Play around with the words and look to grasp your reader’s emotion. Also, including your keyword in the title, and preferably at the start, is an absolute must.

Make your blog easy to read

Readability is an important factor to rank on search engines. Creating great content is important to engage your reader, but you also want your content to be easy to read. People will naturally want to skim your article, so don’t make it difficult by including distracting words and irrelevant information. Keep it straight to the point, and write shorter sentences and smaller paragraphs. Also, try to break up the text with subheadings and bullet points where appropriate.

Make the most of internal linking

The more links you have to your blog, the more valuable your article becomes to search engines. With this in mind, make sure you’re linking to other pertinent pages within your website. To create a contextual relationship between your web pages, keep the links relevant to your blog post.

If you want to drive more traffic to your website and drive sales, then you need to optimise your blogs for SEO. With the simple steps we’ve highlighted above, you’ll understand why a good blog strategy is worth investing in. Ready to take your SEO strategy to the next level? Get in touch with us today!

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