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TikTok tips

TikTok tips to leverage your business on the platform

TikTok has taken the world by storm. What used to be considered a platform for Gen Z to showcase their dancing skills has now become the most popular social media site. According to Cloudflare, an American technology-security company, TikTok was the most visited internet site in the world in 2021, surpassing the previous year’s leader, Google. If you’re wondering whether your brand should get in on TikTok marketing, then the answer is most likely yes. In this guide, we walk you through some of our best TikTok tips to grow your business on the platform.

How to Build Your Brand with TikTok

1. Prioritise User-Generated Content
UGC is content that’s created by actual users or customers. The reason users love it on Tik Tok is because it feels more authentic. Prioritizing it is a useful strategy to quickly build audience loyalty. That’s because 56% of users feel closer to brands on TikTok that publish unpolished content featuring everyday people. UGC already performs quite well on Instagram, but it’s definitely a fan favourite on Tik Tok, which is why your content strategy should be heavily geared towards it.

2. Create high-quality videos specifically for TikTok
The best thing about creating TikTok videos is that you don’t need any fancy equipment. In fact, your phone should do the trick. What you do need is decent lighting, a good microphone if possible, and some quick edits to keep the content moving. When creating your TikToks, shoot in a vertical format with a 9:16 ratio. Your videos can be 5 seconds to 3 minutes long, but aim for 12-15 seconds to keep your viewers engaged. Something to keep in mind too is to be sure to use TikTok’s built-in features like effects and text treatments. According to TikTok: “These native features help keep your content feeling native to the platform which can also help get it on more “For You pages!”.

3. Partner with influencers to build your fanbase
Similar to Instagram, TikTok has a powerful influencer platform that you can use to promote your brand. If you’re thinking of getting involved with TikTok marketing, a good strategy is to reach out to influencers in your industry to build your brand awareness. Don’t be afraid to rely on the expertise of others to help make the most of your content strategy. Not only will this make creating content easier for you, but you’ll also be able to tap into their audience and introduce your business to new people.

4. Post regularly
Your business page should be receiving regular updates from you. Just like any other social media site, your content is only good if it’s fresh. The key is to post often enough that people see your brand but not too much that they get tired of seeing the same thing over and over again.

5. Create Content that stands out
Unlike Instagram, TikTok does not focus on content that’s pleasing to the eye. No matter how good your videos are, they’re useless if they don’t have a purpose. That’s why you need to make sure that every video you create is interesting and engaging.

Here are a few guidelines on how to create high-quality content:

  • Be real – Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and make sure that everything you post has been put through trial and error by the people who will eventually see it (you).
  • Be Entertaining – Make sure that your content is entertaining and not just informative. You want people to like, share and talk about your content.
  • Jump onto trends – Keep an eye out of upcoming trends. While the content you create may not be perfect, it may still resonate with your audience. So make sure you’re keeping up with new trends and using them in your content.

Just like any other marketing strategy, you need to have a well-thought-out plan before you jump into the world of TikTok marketing. However, if you execute it properly, TikTok has the potential to skyrocket your brand like no other platform today due to its high organic reach.


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