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How does Facebook Remarketing work?

How does Facebook Remarketing work?

If you’re not using Facebook remarketing (also known as retargeting), then you’re missing out one of the most important aspects of your marketing strategy. Facebook retargeting runs adverts aimed towards previous visitors to encourage them to go back to your website to complete their purchase. It works by following your leads on their Internet journey and promoting offers they may be interested in.

You may have heard of ‘cookies’ or seen a ‘this website uses cookies’ notification. Cookies basically tag users visiting your website.

A code is applied to the page the user visits which triggers your adverts to follow those users via its cookies around the web.

When you see adverts in the banners of other sides or your sidebar of something you have been looking at recently, that is remarketing.

Facebook in particular has a tracking pixel, which allows you to identify visitors and run a targeted promotion based on their behavior.

Why should you run a remarketing campaign on Facebook?

In a eMarketer Survey, 95% of social media marketers named Facebook as the best social network for producing ROI for their clients.

If that’s not convincing enough, some other reasons include:


  • Your lowest hanging fruit can be targeted and converted
  • Your chances of converting your leads are higher as they are already engaged with you
  • Facebook remarketing ads get 3x the engagement than regular ads.

If someone already knows who you are, has visited your site or engaged with your app – the chances of converting him or her into a customer via advertising are much higher. Visitors targeted through remarketing have a 70% increased chance of being converted via your website.


Think of it as reconnecting with a familiar face. The benefits of Facebook remarketing are endless and if they’re not part of your digital marketing strategy, they should be!


How to maximise your paid advertising 

It’s not enough to know that you want to use Facebook remarketing. You want to make sure that you set specific goals for each stage of the sales funnel so that you can track how your strategy is performing.

Offer incentives to purchase: This strategy works best for end-of-funnel customers to give them an incentive to purchase. Some customers at this stage still need nurturing, and offering them a discount code for certain products or a limited-time offer will give them that extra nudge they may need to make a decision.

Target cart abandonment: Unfortunately, abandoned digital carts happen more often than we’d like. If a customer has abandoned a cart, then a retargeting campaign will help you to convert a large chunk of those people. Facebook offers particular event codes for on-site actions so you can create specific ads to reach those users.

Re-engage lost customers: When people think of remarketing, they usually think it only applies to middle-of-funnel and end-of-funnel customers. However, those customers who haven’t engaged with your brand in a while may just need a little reminder. For example, you can upload users from your email list who haven’t opened your emails recently, and create an ad with a special offer saying ‘We Miss You’.

We’re just scratching the surface on remarketing and there is much more to discuss; from custom audiences to measuring your remarketing results.

Engage a professional such as Digimedia Worx who can discuss and manage your social media marketing strategy and stop those leads getting away!

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