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Top marketing podcasts to up your game

Top marketing podcasts to up your game

As online marketers, we work in an industry that’s always evolving. When we think we’ve found the perfect strategy to reach our customers, the rules suddenly change on us and we’re left to start again (thanks Zuckerberg!). Don’t get us wrong, we wouldn’t change it for the world, because with constant change comes a constant desire to innovate. But to continue to thrive in our industry, we have to commit to a lifetime of continuous learning. And that’s where marketing podcasts come in handy.

Marketing podcasts are a great way to absorb knowledge. Whether you’re sitting in your car, walking home from work or cooking dinner, you can get inspired by only a click of a button.

However, it can be hard to sift through the amount of information there is out there. That’s why we’ve rounded up some of our favourite marketing podcasts. We’ve kept the list short but sweet, so you know exactly what to listen to next!

The best marketing podcasts

Social Media Marketing
Hosted by Michael Stelzner, this podcast provides insights into certain features and strategies of different social media channels. Michael welcomes guests who are absolute experts in their fields to discuss ways to improve results. Whether you’re just starting out in the industry, or you want to brush up on your social media skills, this podcast comes with a wealth of knowledge for anyone.


Akimbo by Seth Godin
Seth Godin is a breath of fresh air in this industry. He reminds us all that marketing isn’t always about algorithms and hacks, it’s about creating change. Having written 19 best-selling books and worked alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry, he provides unique insights into what it takes to actually be a marketer. His powerful ideas are at the core of any successful marketing, so make sure you take notes!


The GaryVee Audio Experience
If Seth Godin is the godfather of modern marketing, then Gary Vee is the cool uncle we wish we all had. Known as the guy who can predict trends before anyone else, he’s the media maestro that dishes out the expert knowledge that you’ve been looking for. As the owner of a multi-million dollar company, he uses his podcast to chat about all things marketing, social media and entrepreneurship. You can expect no-fluff answers that will leave you inspired.


Online Marketing Made Easy
The reason why we love Amy Porterfield’s podcast is because she makes it her mission to turn all of her insights into actionable plans. She created the podcast with small business owners in mind, which makes her marketing strategies easy to execute. She breaks down what may seem like complicated, big-picture strategies into smaller steps, so you know exactly where to start.


Foundr Podcast
A podcast aimed at inspiring young entrepreneurs, Nathan interviews some of the most hard-to-reach founders to gain and share some insider tips. With his guests, he talks about what it takes to build a successful company. Whilst the majority of his episodes focus on entrepreneurship, you will find that at the core of his advice lies a successful marketing strategy.

Whist this list does not cover all the insightful marketing podcasts out there, it gives you a snapshot of some that we’ve learnt from so you know what to tune into next! And remember, if you need any help with your digital strategy, we’re only one message away!



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