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instagram stories for business

Facebook & Instagram stories for business – should I be posting?

With over half of Instragram’s monthly users using stories (that’s 500 million people and 1 billion stories a day!) and 58% of people saying they have become more engaged with a brand since seeing its stories; yes you should absolutely be posing Facebook and/or Instagram stories for business.

If you’re still not convinced, here are 3 reasons why you should tap into the potential of social media stories

Instagram and Facebook stories provide you with a way to post a variety of more casual content

Instagram stories for business will allow you more flexibile with content. You can post anything you want without having to spend time editing or worrying about ruining the look and feel of your instagram feed. It also allows you to personally address your audience and show them behind the scenes of your business, boosting your brands persona! Instagram stories are suitable for everyone, even the less tech savvy members of your team, all you need is your mobile phone, it’s something everyone can get on board with to showcase all aspects of your business or brand.

Facebook and Instagram stories for business allow you to regularly engage with your audience without clogging up their feed

Instagram stories have smart features such as polls, asking a question, checking into a location and tagging other accounts. This means you can engage with your audience directly and conduct market research by asking them questions, which may lead you to make business decisions. If you’re deciding between two colours or products; who better to ask than those who already engage with you?!

Instagram and Facebook stories drive traffic to your website

Not only are stories a great way to engage in a conversational manner with your followers, you can use your stories to drive traffic to your website. This means if you have a shop you can link directly to the products you promote on your stories and use it as an e-commerce platform, or you can send them a request for a quote or book now link easily whilst they’re already engaging with what you’re offering.

Convinced? Or maybe you need to discuss it further, either way if you are interested in learning more about Instagram stories for business contact us today! Facebook & Instagram stories should make up part of your wider digital strategy so it is important to start there to see if this means of social media marketing fits in with your marketing plan and business goals.


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